A BitScope Cluster Module is on display at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC17). Find it at the Center for Advanced Research Computing Booth 535 on the The University of New Mexico Stand.
Gary Grider, leader of the High Performance Computing Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory (left) conceived the original idea for the project, Bruce Tulloch and Norman Jackson from BitScope Designs (in the middle) were responsible for designing and building the unit on display and Jim Hetherington from SICORP (right) was responsible for putting us all together.
The unit on display is the first of the five 150 node Cluster Modules being installed at Los Alamos National Labs to create a 750 node (3000 core) cluster for the Lab's supercomputer research and development program. Also on display, at the Department of Energy booth is a 60 node Cluster Pack.
You'll find it on the New Technology table. The Cluster Packs are the key element of the design. The unit on display comprises fifteen BitScope Blade Quattro boards which power and mount 60 Raspberry Pi without any wires other than the two that power the pack itself.
Of course at the heart of it all are the 150 x Raspberry Pi 3 64-bit ARMv7 Quad-Core single board computers which combined create the 600 core Cluster Module, all housed in a single 6U drawer.
Have a look at the other pages on this website for the background and motivation for this project and come a visit the stand where Bruce, Norman and Jim are on hand along with UNM staff to answer all your questions.