We've always been avid readers of Slashdot (News for nerds, stuff that matters) so it's not surprising to us that this project found its way there. Discussions on Slashdot are renowned for generating a lot of heat but they can also shed a lot of light on interesting topics like this one.
Rich Brueckner from insideHPC interviewed Bruce Tulloch, CEO BitScope Designs at SC17 last week to talk about the large Raspberry Pi Cluster BitScope built for Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Denver 13th November 2017, BitScope Designs, developer of BitScope Blade, an infrastructure platform for Raspberry Pi available globally via element14, has built a large Raspberry Pi cluster for a pilot conceived at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
BitScope Blade is the premier solution for building compute cluster and cloud solutions with Raspberry Pi. Following the BitScope Blade Launch with element14 this year Bruce outlined plans to develop larger Raspberry Pi clusters for use in industrial IoT applications.